Hannibal is one of my favourite TV shows ever and I became quickly obsessed with it after seeing the first episode. Bryan Fuller has created such a beautiful yet grotesque world and I am in awe so I thought I would put together an outfit inspired by a constant visual theme in the show of the Wendigo and Nightmare Stag.

I am desperate for the next series of Hannibal to start! The acting, the visuals and the music are just perfect and it's one of the few things on TV I watch which I get completely immersed into, seriously when I'm watching it not even a car crashing through my living room could disturb me!

Are you a Fannibal? Be sure to let me know in the comments
Love & Hearts
Outfit Details
Antlers - Handmade (tutorial coming soon!)
Necklace - Cateaclysmic Crafts
Dress - H&M
Cardigan - Unif
Shoes - Forever 21
Contact Lenses - Pinky Paradise
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