Oh May oh my... this month has been rough but I have survived YEY! I am so ready for the summer and some sunshine because its been feeling like autumn again here recently, I actually wore gloves the other day and it's May, MAY! We're already halfway thought the year and that's scary but maybe I should take it as a kick up the ass to get shit done instead of moping about... anyway onwards and upwards!
♥ FUCK THAT! A Manifesto.
♥ I've been feeling a bit restless lately so these "8 Reasons Why You Need To Take Solo Trip This Summer" are really inspiring me to away from it all.
♥ 10 Things I Have Learnt (so far) in My Twenties
♥ It's that time of year when all my fave shows are on hiatus so here's a survival guide to help you through the off season of The Walking Dead.
♥ Redefining the Strong Female Character
♥ I've been focusing a lot of improving my Instagram so these ideas have come in useful.
♥ Health has been a bit concern of mine lately and I'm realising that it only takes a few simple changes to start looking and feeling great.
♥ How To Deal with Haters
♥ Con season is in full swing so here are 10 Ways to Save Money on Cosplay
♥ 6 Productive Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do
♥ If you're having a rough time stop and ask yourself these questions
♥ 20 Things To Write About When You're Totally Stuck
♥ Some days you just want to crawl under the covers and hibernate so here are 10 tips to get your through those crappy days.
♥ 10 Things Happy People Do to Stay Happy
♥ I miss travelling, you learn so much about yourself when you travel and here are just a few of the reasons why travel is the best education you can get.
♥ The complete and logical guide to winning at your own life in 19 super difficult steps
♥ This is such a cute and simple way to display photos, I love it!
♥ Speaking of DIY projects I'm also loving this Lego Bag
♥ 5 Ways to Stay For for Free
♥ If business is quiet fear not here's 10 Ideas to Drum Up Business
Love & Daisy Chains