31 January 2011

Things that make you go Oooooo (January 2011)

When I was younger 2011 always seemed like a future a million miles away from me, I'd imagined we'd all be living in space riding on hover boards and making friends with alien lifeforms. I think it's really sad that the space program was cancelled I'd love to see man on the moon again, can you believe it's been 38 years since the last man was on the moon? The future is a strange and exciting thing so onwards and upwards...

Thirty Books Everyone Should Read Before They're 30 - This is my new reading list for this year, I've crossed off a few but there's still lots more to go!

Top Ten Female Turn Ons

35 Ways to Make the World a Beautiful Place - Lets start the year on a positive note and start a new beautiful revolution.

Fashion 101: Why Luxury is Expensive - There's a lot of work that goes into creating that special something and I'm a big believer in quality over quantity so that's something to remember when you're making that annual splurge!

Confession of: A Disney Cast Member

What Happened in My Birth Year? - I just want to kiss who ever made this, just try it I guarantee it will make you smile.

♥  New Year, New Routine? 10 Things I Do To Keep Myself Feeling Happy Healthy and Magical - The fabulous Gala Darling shares some of her tips and tricks on staying healthy and gorgeous, some great tips here some of which I will be trying to implement into my own routine.

Natural Beauty is an Oppressive Fucking Value

Make you Life Amazing - I love this series it's full of helpful advice and tips on making a real change for the better in your life.

If You're Crappy & You Know It.. (What To Do When You're Feeling Mad, Sad Or Just Plain BAD!) - Some good advice to get you out of that bad mood, one of my resolutions is to try not to be so negative on myself.

How to Cheer Up

How to Pick Yourself off the Floor - Love these tips especially the one about the notebook, this is something I should definitely make the time to do.

How To Live an Interesting Live - Some great thoughts on what's holding us back from living that dream life and how to make change real.

Thoughts on Change

Make Sure You Love Yourself Sick Before You Leave The House Each Morning - Love this idea, it makes me want to cover my bathroom mirror in post-it notes of positivity

A History of Pandas in the UK - I'm SUPER excited that the U.K. will be welcoming some pandas soon and am already making plans to go see them when they arrive!

It's a Jungle Out There... Animal Origami

Make Your Own Computer Cozy - This is such an awesome idea and a great way to re-use and old jumper, I'm in need of a new computer cozy so this is definitely on my craft list.

Coming of Age Day 2011 - This is one of my many favourite Japanese festivals, I just love seeing all the girls dressed up in their beautiful and colourful kimonos.

The Shopping Detox Experiment

Eco-Sustainability in Beauty - it's great to hear how some of the companies are changing in order to help our environment. I've made a conscious effort to reduce my waste and have personally switched to more eco-friendly natural and organic products.

Love & Sparkly Hugs

30 January 2011

The Weekly Roundup #4

Booked my flights to America (California here I come!) Read Alexei Sayle's The Dog Catcher Fasted under the doctor's orders Had a ridiculous amount of blood taken out of me CRASHED OUT! Developed a strange bruise on my arm Watched Sailor Moon Reminisced about Scrooge McDuck  after seeing some stamps on a parcel Waved goodbye to my Dad Played Tetris Party on my DS Watched The Social Network Worked at a school whose name I couldn't pronounce Was given an adorable thank you card made by the kids Received gorgeous goodies from All Saints Ate the most wonderful Pâté Fixed my pill case Watched Black Swan Had coffee with my BFF & got some AWESOME news, so happy!

Has your week been as crazy as mine?
Love & Sparkly Hugs

24 January 2011

The Weekly Roundup #3

Finished reading Bel Canto by Ann Patchett Baked vegan cupcakes Crafted and updated my Etsy Shop (I'm on a crafting roll people!) Danced all morning to Kpop Stayed up all night reading Magical Thinking  Listed a bunch of goodies for sale on eBay Celebrated Christian Bale's Golden Globe win by watching American Psycho Laughed at all the Jesus Bale spam on Tumblr Watched The Green Hornet & The King's Speech (both good and worth seeing!) Ate at Nandos and didn't have chicken! Got a Supernatural comic book Made travels plans for my US adventure Added to my Disney collection Was given some delicous homebaked ginger bread YUM! Realised just how bunny obsessed I really am!

How was your week?
Love & Bunny Hugs

20 January 2011

Garlic Roasted Vegetables with Cous Cous

I know a few of my friends including myself are making an effort to eat healthier this year so I've decided to share a few of my own quick, easy and healthy recipes to help you guys out. This is one super easy to cook and prepare, and you don't have to use the vegetables I have you can use any you as like roasting much healthier than frying but still a great way to get that crunch on your veggies.

  • Cous cous
  • Garlic
  • Courgette
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Red Pepper
  • Parsnip
  • Rice Bran Oil (you can also use olive oil I use rice bran oil as it's apparently healthier)
  • Salt & Pepper to season

Heat oven to 200°C

Peel and slice the vegetables and garlic but be sure not to slice them too thinly as they'll go mushy and burn easily when you roast them.

Place the vegetables into a roasting tin, season and drizzle with oil then place them in the oven to roast for 10 - 20 minutes.

Place your cous cous in a bowl then pour enough boiled water onto it just to cover the cous cous then cover with a plate or some cling film and leave to stand for 5 - 10 minutes.

Job done, serve and enjoy!

It's as easy as that to make a quick and healthy meal for yourself and if you're craving a bit of meat you can always add a couple of chopped up slices of bacon or pancetta to the vegetables when you roast them.

Eat & Stay Healthy

    16 January 2011

    The Weekly Roundup #2

    Painted my nails Champagne Pink Cut down my workout to 30 minutes a day Read Kurt Wenzel's first novel Lit Life Ate too many Haribo!  Made "Panda Plans" with Cally (so excited!)  Watched Panty & Stocking.... again! Saw an Akita and a Husky being walked (my two fave dogs!) and dreamed about the day when I get my own pack Updated my Etsy Shop  Drank Oolong and Ginseng tea from China Listened to Paramore for the first time Had a Hazelnut Latte Fell in love with Liberty Hello Kitty Received freebies from Disney  Finally made some progress at the doctors Found a random gif of myself Bought the Katy Perry O.P.I collection Painted my nails Burnt Blood

    Did you do anything exciting this week?
    Love & Glittery Hugs

    Inspirational Quotes #10

    "Style" is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style - John Fairchild

    09 January 2011

    The Weekly Roundup #1

    Watched it snow again Paid for my next volunteer adventure Started working out an hour a day with Wii Fit Plus Ate a Malteser bunny Fell in LOVE with Fantasia all over again Cut myself a fringe after months of trying to grow it out Found a business card in one of my bookmooch books which reminded me of this scene in American Psycho Found a new appreciation for Coloud headphones Finished reading Gotham Tragic by Kurt Wenzel  Had a delicious Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Did some stargazing with my Dad Finally completed all 168 Puzzles of Professor Layton and the Lost Future Wrote a bunch of lists Watched my new neighbours move into my auntie's old house Donated some old clothes to charity Sold a Lucky Bag and a Bunny Scarf from my Etsy Shop Stocked up on crafting supplies Received some very late Christmas cards Took down the Christmas decorations Celebrated Hayao Miyazaki's 70th Birthday by completing my Studio Ghibli DVD collection Used my awesome Tea Sub Ate some Egyptian strawberries Watched the snow melt.

     Sometimes life passes us by so quickly we forget all the small things we did that made us smile.

    Love & Sparkly Hugs

    04 January 2011

    Sugarpill is My New Drug

    When your wardrobe is mostly black you tend to find other ways to add colour to your outfits and one of the things I've recently started to experiment with is make-up. I've heard so many good things about Sugarpill and have been lusting over their eyeshadows for the longest time so I finally decided to treat myself to the Burning Heart eyeshadow palette.

    I placed my order at Sugarpill and it was shipped to me the next day and arrived on my doorstep about 2 weeks later which isn't too bad considering international shipping. I must say it was such a treat to see it on my doorstep the kitty print packaging is such a nice touch.

    The contents were wrapped in pretty pink paper and included a sparkly Sugarpill sticker (anything sparkly gets my love) and Sugarpill's colourful and beautiful business cards. It was an added bonus to see make-up extraordinaire Amelia Arsenic and the gorgeous Miss Kika's artwork if Sugarpill gets these amazing girls approval then you know it must be good.

    Sugarpill has really gone above and beyond with its packaging not only is it totally adorable but I absolutely love that you get a nice big mirror included in this palette which does make it slightly heavier but I personally prefer a decent size mirror than the tiny ones you find in some palettes.

    I am so impressed with these eyeshadows they are so bright and colourful, I made the mistake of loading up my brush with the eyeshadow only to find that you get just a bright a colour if you use a little, which is total value for money. It also lasts, I've done my make-up in the morning and come home at night to find it's still as vibrant as it was when I left the house which is amazing.

    I'm still a newbie when it comes to make-up but I'm hoping to change that and experiment with some different colours. I absolutely love Sugarpill they have an amazing range of colours and it's such a joy to use I totally recommend them and will definitely be returning for more of their eyeshadows soon.

    01 January 2011

    10 Goals for 2011

    A toast to us by Sugarraindrops

    Go on daily walks

    Do something with my photographs - frame them, make postcards, design a photobook or enter them in competitions.

    Take vitamins

    Eat mostly vegetarian - because I feel so much more healthy with the meat cut out of my diet however if once in a blue moon I do fancy a delicious hamburger I won't deny myself the pleasure.

    Meet up with friends

    Spend less and save more - Keeping this in mind, I won't be hitting the sales this year and  instead I'm putting that money I would have spent frivolously on things I don't really need towards a big adventure and something more meaningful.

    Meditate every morning

    Craft - it's one of my favourite hobbies and every year I improve, plus you guys can get your hands on some of my cute creations to.


    Think positive - because only positive thinking will help you achieve your goals and in this world there's nothing you can't achieve with some hard work and the right mindset.

    Fizzy Bubbles & A Happy New Year