Dore Dore is a really popular cafe in Korea known for their rainbow cakes, they have quite a few locations around Seoul but I believe their cafe in Garosugil was their first. I have actually been wanting to visit this cafe for a while as I've seen it featured in so many articles and videos and their cakes always look amazing, so on my last trip to Seoul I had to stop by.
Whilst I was sitting in Dore Dore I had this strange feeling that I'd seen this place before and not just in articles and vlogs and then it suddenly hit me GOT7 FILMED HARD CARRY TV HERE!! So that lead to me frantically googling all the images I could find and trying to find the episode (they're actually regionally blocked on MNET's YouTube channel in Korea... WTF?), so after finally finding some images and re-watching the first episode (the same one where they visited Shake Shack) it was confirmed THEY WERE HERE! Which lead to me taking all the random selfies I could and trying to recreate some shots they did, little did I know at that point that I'd be having more random "GOT7 were here" encounters but it was a pretty cool considering this was my first day in Seoul and I hadn't really planned it.
Let me know what your favourite type of cake is and don't forget to enter my GOT7 giveaway!
Love & Rainbows
Psssst if you want to see more awesome cafes from around the world you can click the button below, buy me a coffee, get treats & a shoutout on my next post