Happy Autumn! Even though it has quite possibly been one of the coldest gloomiest summers here I'm excited about Autumn and all the awesome foods it brings, carrying round a steaming hot beverage in a warm gloved hand is one of my little pleasures, it's strange to think at the beginning of this month I was in Sicily cooling myself down with copious amounts of gelato!
♥ I recently joined club 30 to so these life lessons Megan shared are certainly something I can relate to
♥ So I finally got myself a new fancy iPhone and photography is definitely something I'll be using it for
♥ Love this post of how to deal with blog copycats
♥ Why We Get Attached to Fictional Characters
♥ A Punk Rock Approach To Living The Life Of Your Dreams
♥ How to have a happy childhood... as an adult!
♥ I can relate so much to this post on how to be mindful of your nerd life
♥ Loved this post by Gala on how she learned to love exercise, this is definitely something I can relate to as exercise has become a big game changer in my overall health and well-being
♥ I've been asking myself this question a lot lately
♥ Stop hiding behind your Fear of Failure
♥ When Benevolent Sexism is Mistaken for Female Empowerment
♥ 40 Ways To Live, Laugh, And Love Like A Child
♥ I definitely need to implement a few of these awesome tips onto the blog
♥ To The Women Who Chose Not To Have Kids
♥ Here are some awesome tips for blogging beginners
♥ Something I need to do more of is blogging on the go so these tips will definitely help me out
♥ 5 Tips Every Successful Woman Should Know
Love & Ginger Tea