June is over people and we're now half way through 2013 what the hell!? I've had some really fun times this month and things are about to get EPIC in July so I can't wait, this summer is going to be the best! I've definitely been feeling a more positive change within myself so here are a few links which have interested me this past month.
♥ Honesty & Openness in an Online World - I've been thinking about this a lot recently as I kinda feel like I've lost that personal aspect of my blog, I often write quite personal posts but end up not publishing them for fear of who might see them but it's definitely something I want to change.
♥ 8 Keys to Making Lasting Online Connections
♥ How I Learned To Stop Worrying, and Love Failure - Fear of failure can be one of the biggest factors that holds you back but sometimes out of failure can come success.
♥ Behind The Fuchsia Curtain - I'm loving this new series of posts by Gala, I can definitely relate to what she's saying. I feel like lately I've gone a but off track but I'm determined to get back on track and make what I love my job for life.
♥ Why Be Healthy in the Present When the Future's Uncertain?
♥ Usual and Unusual Strategies for Controlling Cravings - This is really interesting and has helped me understand my cravings so much this month and helped me cut out those bad foods.
♥ 5 Ways to Turn Simple Daily Tasks into Meaningful Rituals - Some simple ways to make each day more positive.
♥ How do I Make Money from my Blog
♥ How to do Less and Live More - Sometimes you just have to say no and give yourself a rest period in order to remind yourself what's more important in life.
♥ I Tried Gwyneth Paltrow's Diet - I've been a little obsessed with Gwen lately after seeing Iron Man 3, I mean her abs are... WOW! I'm not quite sure I'd go as far as taking on her diet but it's pretty interesting and this article has a great and hilarious insight into it.
♥ 29 Things From The 90's You May Have Forgotten About
♥ 6 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life - Definitely taking note of this one so many useful points which I need to start doing more often especial the point about food, there's so many things that I don't like in my cupboards that I should've got rid of a looong time ago!
♥ 8 Tips to Move Beyond Envy and Start Thriving - Envy can be the worst so here are some tips to start loving what you have.
♥ 16 Ways to Get Super Excited About Your Blog Again
♥ The Art of Reframing Difficult Emotions - Feeling down then take a look at this list and give yourself a different perspective.
♥ Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls - I've been overweight, I've been underweight but at the end of the day those numbers on a scale mean nothing it's how you view and feel about yourself that matters more than anything.
♥ 59 Awesome FREE Things To Do To Feel Amazingly Alive
♥ A Day Without Headphones - It breaks my heart that street harassment still occurs so frequently and without shame in this day and age, and the worst thing is is that every single lady I know has at some point experienced it.
♥ 8 Ways To Be A Better Person In The Digital Age - We've all be guilty of these at some point, just don't be an asshole and relax sometimes it's only the internet!
♥ Can You Quit The Internet?
♥ How Travel Can Grow Your Blog Network - Great tips not just for blog promotion but on how to meet some new people, travel has definitely widened my circle and introduced me to some new and awesome people.
Lemonade & Roses