♥ Collectormania 15 - it was a cold and wet weekend but I had an awesome time there and Nathan Fillion is just as gorgeous in real life as he is on T.V.
♥ My Milk Toof is my new favorite blog!
♥ Inspirational posters
♥ Terminator Salvation - Loved this movie and not just because my boy Bale was in it.
♥ Peaches - I've been eating bunches of them everyday
♥ Karl Largerfeld on Twitter
♥ Knitting Soap - I bought this for my nanna and it smells as wonderful as it looks
♥ The happiest group on Flickr, Smile :D
♥ Okami - this is the most beautiful game I've ever played on the Wii I love it
♥ Junko Mizuno Pure Trance Figures
♥ Coquettish Tiara make the cutest bags ever!
♥ THIS bunny made me laugh so much
♥ Feasts on the BBC iPlayer a great documentary series which follows some of the more unusual festivals celebrated around the world including the Naked Man festival in Japan and the Day of the Dead in Mexico, very interesting and worth watching.
♥ My Milk Toof is my new favorite blog!
♥ Inspirational posters
♥ Terminator Salvation - Loved this movie and not just because my boy Bale was in it.
♥ Peaches - I've been eating bunches of them everyday
♥ Karl Largerfeld on Twitter
♥ Knitting Soap - I bought this for my nanna and it smells as wonderful as it looks
♥ The happiest group on Flickr, Smile :D
♥ Okami - this is the most beautiful game I've ever played on the Wii I love it
♥ Junko Mizuno Pure Trance Figures
♥ Coquettish Tiara make the cutest bags ever!
♥ THIS bunny made me laugh so much
♥ Feasts on the BBC iPlayer a great documentary series which follows some of the more unusual festivals celebrated around the world including the Naked Man festival in Japan and the Day of the Dead in Mexico, very interesting and worth watching.