31 December 2012

Things That Make You Go Oooooo (December 2012)

Well we've all survived 2012 but was there ever really any doubt? A new year is just around the corner and what will be a fresh clean slate for some of us and a starting point for new amazing dreams to happen. I'm working my socks off to make 2013 the best year ever and keep on striving to be the best person I can be so here are some great links to get you motivated to make the most of 2013.

 50 Reasons Not To Kill Yourself - This is a pretty intense way to start off but a very important one, no matter how dark those times are things do get better, believe me I know! If anyone out there is having a problem please don't hesitate to talk to someone and get help, it really can make a difference.

 Reflections on Enoughness & Dipping My Toe in the Ocean of Vulnerability

 Overcome The Top 25 Excuses to Wait on Your Dreams - The biggest thing that stops us from achieving our dreams is ourselves, sometimes we need to smash through those walls to get to where we really should be.

 20 Inspired Ways to Monetise Your Blog - Some really great ideas here, I love the idea of utilising your blog as an online portfolio to get other jobs.

 Finding Your Confidence on Camera

 How Often Should You Blog? - This is a question I'm constantly asking myself, is it better to blog daily or just when you feel inspired? What do you guys think?

 Looking Back, Moving Forward - We learn from our past in order to make a better future and there is some awesome advice here on how to built a better blog.

 What Internet Habbits Say About Mental Health

 True Secret To Success - So true, I love this article and think we should all regularly practice possitivity and gratitude in our lives.

 8 life lessons, gracefully learned - Some really beautiful advice here, if you could go back and give some advice to your younger self what would it be?

 The Secret To Lighting Up A Room: Find Your Inner Glow

 Get It Done, Girl! Lessons From Daddy Darling - I'm all about setting goals and achieving them and there are some great lessons to be learned here!

 Some Thoughts and Musings about Making Things for the Web - This is hilarious and SO true, The Oatmeal is awesome!

 The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck

 Sixteen Things to Do When You're Bored - AKA ways to be more useful with your time and have just have some fun

 Respect Yourself Enough to Walk Away From Anyone Or Anything That No Longer Serves You, Grows You, Or Makes You Happy - I spoke about this subject recently to a friend and it's so true, we grow and change as people and sometimes clinging onto those ties can be more harmful than good so it's better to cut them, move on and nourish the things that are positive in our lives.

 Why Women Should Stop Trying To Be Perfect

 Thinking About Giving, Not Receiving, Motivates People To Help Others - This is a really interesting study and maybe something we can try ourselves to help be more generous people.

 Is It Time For You To Stop Dabbling And Get Serious - One of my goals of 2013 is to continue to grow and improve my little business, while it's so tempting just to start over I always feel the better thing to do is to work with what you have and build on that.

 Guided By Your Own Best Thinking

 The "It's Not Rocket Science" Approach To making Your Dreams Come True - This is so true, hard work and dedication will always pay off so don't let your dreams pass you by!

Love & Sparkles

28 December 2012

2012: The Year I Changed and Became a Better Me

Back in January I vowed to myself that this would be the year I broke free of all my past gripes and became a better version of myself (Cate2.0!), I discussed a few of my goals for the year so now with 2012 coming to an end I'm going reflect back and see how much things have changed for me.

Taking better care of myself
One of the biggest and most visible changes I've made this year is to my health, I've lost nearly 3 stone in weight, I'm stronger both mentally and physically, my skin is clearer and overall I just feel so much better and so free. The best thing about this change is that being healthy is no longer some sort of fad for me it's a lifestyle, I've changed my habits so that exercising and meditation are now a regular part of my day and the strength that I feel now is so amazing that I know I'll never go back to that unhealthy place.

Building a better business
Wow is all I can say, this year has really pushed me when it comes to business! The support everyone has given me this year has been overwhelming and given me the boost I need to try new things and carry on going. Running your own business is hard and I've learnt so much this year and I hope in 2013 I can really push myself to the next level and continue to grow and improve.

Exploring and discovering new things
I didn't really have as many adventures as I would have liked in 2012, my summer in Thailand was mostly spent with my family and sorting out my Thai citizenship (yep I'm officially Thai now!) but the one thing I did learn this year, which is probably the most important thing, is how much I love my family and how much I miss seeing them, leaving Thailand this year was really difficult for me but it gave me that push I needed to work harder and create a better future for myself and my family.

Being charitable
I still feel like this is a major work in process for me, I haven't done as much as I've wanted to when it comes to charity this year although I do feel that when it comes to my family and friendships I've been the most charitable of all. They say charity begins at home and for me this year my family and friends have needed me the most so I've always been there to offer a helpful hand or two whether they want advice or just someone to moan at, I hope next year will be a better year for them and that we'll all have happier days x

Making the right purchases
Earlier this year I said this would be the most difficult for me but I actually think I've done pretty well. After losing so much weight this year it's left me with a wardrobe I can't fit into and although it has given me the perfect excuse to go on a shopping spree I've actually only bought a few things and most of them are from independent designers or bought second hand, I definitely think I've made a change for the better especially in the later part of this year so I hope it continues in 2013!

What were your goals for 2012 and do you think you've achieved them? Be sure to leave me a comment!

Stars & Dreams

25 December 2012


Just a little note to wish all my wonderful readers a very merry Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful day no matter where you are or what you celebrate and remember to enter my Mystery Lucky Bag Giveaway before 2012 is over for your chance to win some very special prizes!

Love & Cookies

Beauty Blitz: 5 December Faves

It's amazing how much different my skin is now compared to what it was at the beginning of the year, I never thought I would have skin this clear and I think it's mostly down to my healthier eating habits and my awesome Clarisonic. I've discovered some amazing products this year, cut down on my stash and I really can't wait to try out some new products in 2013 but in the meantime here are a few things I've been loving this month.

Skin Food Salmon Brightening Eye Cream
Salmon does sound kinda weird for a cream and I was hesitant when I first saw this in Skin Food but the staff told me it's one of their best sellers and gave me a sample and since then I've been a convert to their weird sounding beauty products. Thankfully this cream doesn't smell of stinky old fish it actually smells quite nice and works great on those dark circles and bags you get under the eyes, in fact this has to be my favourite eye cream ever!

Clean & Clear Morning Burst Facial Scrub
Ok I've mentioned this one before but I recently tried out the lemon version of it and I love it even more than the other one. Lemon naturally cleanses and brightens the skin and this one left me feeling really clean, fresh and tingly after using it. These scrubs are complete value for money to as the last one I used lasted me up until September so I guess I've got plenty of use left out of this one!

Hello Kitty x Liberty Mini Box of Treats
I can't resist a cute Hello Kitty collaboration and I will fully admit I bought this because it was cute and didn't expect the products to be anything special but after trying them out I actually really like them. Each product has a soft fresh scent which isn't overpowering and great for me as my skin doesn't react well to over perfumed products, but my favourite treat is the scrub because it's really gentle but effective and its creamy texture keeps your skin hydrated, I may just have to get the whole collection now!

Skin Food Black Egg Pore Gel Base
Another weird sounding Skin Food product that I've been loving this month is this Black Egg Pore Gel base. I picked this up on a whim as I read it was good for enlarged pores and blackheads which can sometime be quite prominent on my nose and with all the rich delicious Christmas foods I've been eating my skin has started to break out. I've been using this as a primer as it has quite a smooth texture which thickens up when worked into the skin to make a great smooth base for your make-up, I really like this it works great as primer, has a really soft powdery scent and does exactly what it claims, I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who suffers from oily skin.

Benefit Lemon Aid
This is a product I've been using for years but I feel like it needed as special mention this month. December has been one crazy month for me and one to many late nights have brought out those dark circles but this is the one product that can really disguise them and if you have a cold it also works great at reducing the redness around your nose, I love it!

What products have you been loving this month? Be sure to share in the comments
Cinnamon Tea & Ginger Biscuits

15 December 2012

Inspirational Quotes #33

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
- Gail Devers

11 December 2012

Winter Knitwear Wishlist

Winter is all about keeping yourself warm and there's no better feeling then snugging up in a big cosy jumper in front of a fire with a nice big mug of hot chocolate. I love knitwear and Warehouse has a really awesome selection this year that I just had to share some of my favourite pieces with you.

 Animal Sleeve Cardi - Such a great design I love the subtly of the peeking cheetah sleeves and it's a great length which is sure to keep you nice and warm on those cold days.

 Flora Motif Jumper - I love me some cute winter knits and the floral motif of this is just adorable but if pink isn't your thing it also comes in black to.

 Horse Jumper - This reminds me of those jumpers my Nan used to knit for me every Christmas, I just love the sense of nostalgia it gives me.

 Embellished Dress - A knit dress is perfect for those winter parties not only will you look chic but it'll keep you nice and toasty to, the embellished sequin detail adds a really nice added hint of sparkle to.

 Wolf Jumper - Winter is coming... (well actually it's here!) you guys all know how obsessed with wolves I am so I could not resist this jumper, those haunting yellow eyes are just perfect. This is definitely one piece of knitwear I need to add to my wardrobe!

 Placement Floral Jumper - Baroque is a big trend this year and I love seeing how the high street incorporates it into simple wardrobe items like this jumper, it's such a classy piece which will keep you toasty and on trend this winter.

Snuggly Sweaters & Hot Chocolate

*This is a sponsored post but my thoughts and opinions are entirely my own

06 December 2012

Pad Thai

Winter always has me longing for my favourite comfort foods and Pad Thai noodles is one that always warms me up and reminds me of home. When I was back in Thailand over the summer I had a pretty delicious tofu and crispy noodle Pad Thai but nothing beats my mum's Pad Thai so I've stolen her not-so-secret recipe so I can share the yumminess with the world.


  • Rice stick noodles
  • Celery
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Spring onions
  • Beansprouts
  • Sweet radish
  • Soy sauce
  • Fish sauce (or a teaspoon of salt if you're vegetarian or vegan)
  • Tomato puree
  • Tamarind
  • Palm sugar
  • Fried garlic
  • Peanuts
  • Egg (optional)

♥ Soak the noodles in hot water for at least 30 minutes to soften them.

♥ Grate or shred the carrots and chop all the vegetables into small pieces.

♥ In a wok heat a tablespoon of oil then add all the vegetables and egg.

♥ In a bowl mix a tablespoon each of the sweet radish, soy sauce, fish sauce, tomato puree, tamarind and palm sugar then add the drained noodles and mix thoroughly.

♥ Add the noodles to the wok and cook until soft.

♥ When the noodles are cooked remove from the heat and add a sprinkle of the fried garlic and peanuts before serving.

Eat & Enjoy!

01 December 2012

Mystery Lucky Bag Giveaway!!

December is upon us and I'm in a very generous mood so I want to give something special to all my readers for your awesome and continued support this year.

As most of you know by now I have a shop over on Etsy where I sell a bunch of my handmade creations so I wanted to give away something very special and what could be more special than one of my Mystery Lucky Bags.

I wont tell you exactly what's inside as that would ruin the mystery but let me just tell you this this bag is heavy and full of handmade goodies from me including an original one of a kind scarf design, some cute bracelets, some non-edible yet adorable cupcakes and a whole bunch of other accessories, sweets, candy and more, there's sure to be something inside for eveyone so I guarantee you will love it!

This giveaway is open internationally and entries will be accepted from now until December 31st, just follow the instructions in the widget above and be sure to leave a valid email address that I can contact you on should you win.

Good Luck!